Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Okay fine.

I knew from the beginning that there was a chance that I would end up with a blog instead of a twitter feed. And for what I was doing at first, twitter was the right venue. But. This weekend (and week so far) I had just given up on the whole weight loss thing. My fancy new scale was climbing-- it is set a bit higher than Mom's, and Mom's was higher than my old one-- but climbing is a problem no matter where you start. I went to Boot Camp today and got my ass fully kicked and felt renewed commitment. So here I am, in blog form, which none of you actually have to read because it stands a chance of actually being MORE boring than my twitter feed. But I hope that being able to share emotions and circumstances in more than 140 characters will help me figure all of this out. And don't worry... I'll (try to figure out how to) post this to the TubbyTricia twitter feed as well.

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